HAPPY HUMP DAY! Sorry we haven't gotten a chance to blog. Here is a mid-week in-review.
Monday's are NEVER easy to get out of bed, are they? But, somebody's gotta do it! So, we did!
5 rounds of...
500m row
30 sit ups
I was really surprised that my stomach didn't hurt from all of the sit ups we did last Thursday and leg lifts I did on Friday, but that is a good thing! Well, maybe it isn't. I used to think being sore sucked and hated that pain, now if a few workouts go by and I am not sore, I get worried... you know why? Because that means I am probably not working or pushing myself hard enough. Good, solid, soreness (that is not an injury) is great, well at least I think so, it means your body is changing; getting stronger!
Night Weight Lifting Practice
Our Trainer couldn't make it so we did a little evening improv. training on our own. We practiced about 30 some minutes of Power Cleans. We started with a progression with PVC piping, then moved on to the olympic barbells and then added weight. I really liked breaking down the movements so that I could feel what exactly I should be doing at that moment and what part of my body. I struggle with getting UNDER the bar and I tend to use my arms too much on lifts like "the dead lift", "power clean", "snatch", etc. I will never be able to progress with the weight without hurting myself if I continue this way, so it's back to basics.
Then.... Kingston started getting a little antsy in his stroller so we had to let him out. The person who wasn't doing their reps was blocking him off from the person who was so that he wouldn't get smashed. But I guess you just do what you gotta do!
For Time
30 burpees
50 thrusters
500m row
Since our 1 rower is broken we had to start in different spots so we didn't overlap. George 1 started in the above order and I started on the rower. I mean that damn rower gets me every time. I will say that my 500m row was a LOT better than Monday's, which made me feel good. I pulled 500m in 1:57 (my old max was 1:59), but that definitely put me over the edge. Had to take 20 seconds to catch my breath before I started my burpees. Burpees stink but you just figure out a way to keep on going (I just count by 10's, that always helps me) and then the thrusters (front squat with the barbell and as you come up out of squat "thrust" the bar overhead into a push press and immediately back down into a front squat position so that your reps were fluid and consecutive). It was tough for me to do more than 10 in a row, so I basically ended up doing 5 rounds of 10.
20 minutes of
Every minute on the minute.
Evens: Goat 1
Odds: Goat 2
Goat = Weakness
OMG, I so loved the thought process behind this workout! I truly felt like I got to work on my problem areas! And ironically enough George 1 and I chose the same Goats so we just switched on and off. We chose Muscle Ups (progression for me since I can't do a muscle up.. YET) and snatches (used a lighter weight). I chose 10 reps which pretty much got me through the minute with a 10 second rep between each switch.
So it went like this....
10 muscle ups took me 50 seconds, my rest was moving over to the snatch station, setting up, breathing, placing hands on bar and go to 10 snatches, which took me about 50 seconds and my rest was 10 seconds, etc. etc.
Then afterward we practiced breaking down each part of the muscle up, which I really liked doing it. I feel like I got the movement finally.
Today was tough for me, even though I liked the WOD, I did NOT feel well- nauseous and gag type of throw up after the WOD- NO I am NOT with child. I don't think it's anything, but just made today a little tougher
And definitely a little soreness going on in my hamstrings and hip flexers
Tomorrow we have an AM WOD and an evening lifting session, so until then!
- George 2