Today's WOD
12 rounds of.....
10 burpees
10 leg lifts
Status: Complete 13 minutes even
I chose my WOD by googling "CrossFit travel workouts" and looked through a few different box's guidelines or suggestions for travel WOD's. A lot of them involve sit ups, squats, running, and push ups... all of which we did a lot of yesterday! I really wanted to do hand stand push ups, but wanted to give my shoulder a little break. That is how I chose the WOD above. I took a little extra time warming up and got right into it.
I chose to take my WOD out to the barn again today. I pulled the mat out onto the driveway, set up SONGZA on my iPhone, and began my WOD as my audience cheered me on. Well audience being a huge Rottweiler and not-so-small herself Corgi. I did have to pause about 1/3 of the way through and run them back to the house as they were starting to take their bickering with one another a little close to me on that mat when I was face-up on those leg lifts, ha!
On the burpees today I really tried to keep my form on my arms in order to not irritate my shoulders with all the reps (120 for you math lovers). I also really tried to drive my hips and legs up as I came up out of the burpee so I wasn't lifting my whole body, putting strain on my arms, instead I was trying to gain momentum for my "6-inch jump". My last round, yes I waited until the last round to think of it, but I really tried to connect my burpees. So after I jumped up and my feet landed I shot them straight back into plank position and myself to the floor. It really did help the continuity and was a heck of a lot harder!
On the leg lifts (yes I had to google them to make sure the exercise was what I was picturing) I kept my hands behind my head so I couldn't use them to cheat. I really tried to keep my thighs and feet together and my legs straight. Keeping my legs straight was definitely a challenge for me. It obviously was a lot harder and more work on my abdominals! But I tried my best!
After my I laid on the ground for a few minutes recovering, I took the time to practice my hand stand push ups. I finished off my session with 5 minutes of jumping rope and a good stretch. I am so back and forth with my double unders it's extremely frustrating. So, I am hoping I can commit to 3-5 minutes of just solid jumping rope, then leading into double unders a few times a week to have the motion become second nature... especially when I become tired and my arm muscles are fatigued, but I still have to get the rope around and around.
- George 2
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