Monday, November 19, 2012

Who We Are

Our intentions of creating this blog page were to allow us to document our experience and progression with our "CrossFit" life.

Both of us will be writing, so the post styles and topics may vary. It will be a collection of our workouts, what we are learning,  different articles or blogs that we read that we think are interesting and worth sharing, products we may like, and maybe some cool a** pictures of people training!

We were introduced to CrossFit a little over a year ago and began a moderate program. We transformed our garage into a box (aka gym....CrossFit lingo to come) and began acquiring supplies and weights over time. Most of what we have: pull up rig, squat racks, weight racks, boxes were all hand built). Last Winter is when we really started to pick up our intensity and love for the program and lifestyle. I say lifestyle, because it truly is a lifestyle. Anything in CrossFit can modified and I believe that is true for the type of lifestyle that you want. Some like to go all out: eat, breathe, live, train, compete, talk, dream CF and that is great for those whom it work! Some like to go 2-3 times a week and get a good WOD (aka workout.... yes more CrossFit lingo) in!

For us, we chose the in between lifestyle. We train 5x/week and chose Monday through Friday mornings as our main days. This fits our work hard during the week and rest/play hard attitude on the weekend! We wanted to dedicate the weekends to each other,  our son, our extended family, and friends! From an exercise point of view: we decided to keep Saturday and Sunday's open to rest or do an alternate type of exercise if we want, then it is strictly for fun, to stay lose, get out of the house, etc.

A little bit about us.....
George 1: College Athlete. Professional Baseball Player. Trainer. CrossFit Level 1 Certified Trainer. Firebreather. Student. Mr. Mom. Son. Husband. Dad. True Friend to those who are lucky. Hard Working. Dedicated. Athletically gifted. Not funny, but thinks he is. Man of little, but meaningful words. Eager to learn new things.

George 2: College Athlete. Daughter. Sister. Wife. Mom. Friend. Volunteer. Good-hearted. Competitive. All over the place. Talks to Talk. Did I mention Competitive?

Blog Name
We named the blog "The George Project", because even though we have always been healthy people who engaged in fitness, we really want to take that to the next level with each other. Instead of it being one more thing to do when the alarm goes off at 5:20am, have it be something we look forward to (most days) doing together! To have it be our time before the sun and our son interrupts our WOD's to tell us the day has begun let's get going people! In hopes that this will bring on a positive attitude in our box!

Last year we entered the 2012 Open Games for "fun" even though we had only just begun our CF journey months before. We competed live in the First Annual Panama Garage Games in Republic of Panama in April 2012. George 1 was a top competitor and finished 10th (I believe to a toes-to-bar technicality) and George 2 tied for 3rd! After this competition we really decided to take our training to the next level. That is when George 2 really began taking her lifting and weight training more seriously and actually began to enjoy it more. We have seen a lot of improvement over the past year and want to really train the right way for this year's games so we can track our improvement. Because remember it's really about "You vs. You".

We have signed up (some of us more reluctantly more than other...aheemmmmm George 2) for a local competition in January after the holidays and then The Open begins in February. We really want to try and be true competitors amongst our peers, but also be able to be proud of ourselves at the end of each of these competitions. We have labeled our different weaknesses and are committed to working on them over the next 8-12 weeks! We have sought out help from an Olympic weight lifter to come and critique and help us improve our form for our lifts. This will help prevent injuries and allow us to progress forward with our weights.

It's not just about what happens in The Box, but what happens outside too. We eat and live healthy lifestyles but if we are to increase our output, we must increase the quality of our input as well.

Thanks for reading and stay classy!
 Team George

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