With 5 days to go, the Competition WODs were posted last night! Which if you are a "CrossFitter" is like Christmas! In one of the videos poking fun at CrossFit a theme they keep going back to is "is the WOD up yet", because you do get obsessed with learning your fate and giving your mind time to process (or panic, ha)

We are competing in the "Rx" Division against 24 other teams (of two) and every team does all 4 WODs, then they take the top 6 teams for WOD 5.
Workout #1 – Row / Farmer’s Carry @ 60lbs/45lbs
Each team will have one rower, two sets of farmer’s carries, and 8 minutes to accumulate as many calories and distance as possible.
Each calorie is one point and each quarter length of the room is one point (down and back is 8 points, approx 40m). Score is max points in 8 minutes.
Workout #2 – Snatch Complex
Teams will have 10 minutes for each athlete to establish a max effort of Snatch + Hang Snatch + 2 OHS. Score is combined weight of highest completed complex for each athlete. Immediately into….
Workout #3 – Max Double Unders in 3 minutes
Directly after the 10 minutes clock above expires...
Athletes will have 3 minutes with one athlete working at a time to complete as many DU as possible. In order to begin a DU attempt, you must do 2 pistols per leg then begin one set of unbroken DU.
Once they break the other athlete MUST go.
That next athlete must complete the same pistol buy-in. The two may alternate back and forth as many times as possible for 3 minutes. Score is total DU.
Workout #4 – 21-15-9: Squat Clean Thruster (SCT) @ 95/65, burpee lateral hops, Pull-up
(12 min time cap)
Athlete #1 completes 21 SCT, then athlete #2 completes 21 SCT.
Athlete #1 completes 21 BLH, then athlete #2 completes 21 BLH,
Then pull-ups and then back to SCT for 15 reps, etc…
Score is time to complete workout.
Workout #5 Final – TBA
Field will be cut to top six teams. Scores will be erased and winner take all FINAL!
I'm definitely a little hesitant about The Row, The Snatch Complex, and The DU. The row I can do and with adrenaline will just figure out, but the rower just kills me (see George 1's previous blog post about me and the Krazy Lady that comes out during rowing). The Snatch Complex only because I am at a huge disadvantage with the max weight I can hold over my head for Over Head Squats. The Snatch's I have strongly improved, but the OHS are tough for me. But George 1 gave some good advice to just snatch and go immediately into the OHS and not thing, PLUS to KNOW myself. I basically know where I am with my OHS weight so focus on that to complete as quickly with good form since we don't have a lot of time. My last DU attempt in competition was PISS POOR to say the LEAST! However it's less than 3 minutes (because of the shared time) and all I have to do is DU. I know from last time when I got nervous I went way too high with my jumps; way to high and wide with my arms, and let my bladder have a mind of it's own. I thikn this time I will stay in control a little more! George 1 also gave me some good helpful hints for the first WOD (which we just did something similar in the Winter Warmer competition so I feel more comfortable). His recommendation was to explode off the floor and once the bar goes past my knees to basically "free fall" and get underneath of it (I was standing all the way up and exerting WAY too much energy, effort, and taking up too much time). I practiced a few times making sure my feet got off the ground and it really helped!
Looking forward to it!
- George 1