Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Team Competion


With 5 days to go, the Competition WODs were posted last night! Which if you are a "CrossFitter" is like Christmas! In one of the videos poking fun at CrossFit a theme they keep going back to is "is the WOD up yet", because you do get obsessed with learning your fate and giving your mind time to process (or panic, ha)

 CrossFit 215 

CrossFit 215 is the host of our Partner Competition this Saturday and we will be competing at their BOX (side note: never been).  The week before the competition you're suppose to take it pretty easy, but we want to be able to practice the WODs as well. This morning we did a run through of the weights (but lower reps) and skills of each of the WODS to get familiar with the whole process and then Wed and Thurs we can focus on getting comfortable and feeling confident for Saturday!

We are competing in the "Rx" Division against 24 other teams (of two) and every team does all 4 WODs,  then they take the top 6 teams for WOD 5.

Workout #1 – Row / Farmer’s Carry @ 60lbs/45lbs
Each team will have one rower, two sets of farmer’s carries, and 8 minutes to accumulate as many calories and distance as possible.

Each calorie is one point and each quarter length of the room is one point (down and back is 8 points, approx 40m). Score is max points in 8 minutes.

Workout #2 – Snatch Complex
Teams will have 10 minutes for each athlete to establish a max effort of Snatch + Hang Snatch + 2 OHS. Score is combined weight of highest completed complex for each athlete. Immediately into….
Workout #3 – Max Double Unders in 3 minutes
Directly after the 10 minutes clock above expires...

Athletes will have 3 minutes with one athlete working at a time to complete as many DU as possible. In order to begin a DU attempt, you must do 2 pistols per leg then begin one set of unbroken DU.

Once they break the other athlete MUST go.

That next athlete must complete the same pistol buy-in. The two may alternate back and forth as many times as possible for 3 minutes. Score is total DU.

Workout #4 – 21-15-9: Squat Clean Thruster (SCT) @ 95/65, burpee lateral hops, Pull-up 
(12 min time cap)
Athlete #1 completes 21 SCT, then athlete #2 completes 21 SCT.

Athlete #1 completes 21 BLH, then athlete #2 completes 21 BLH,

Then pull-ups and then back to SCT for 15 reps, etc…

Score is time to complete workout.

Workout #5 Final – TBA
Field will be cut to top six teams. Scores will be erased and winner take all FINAL!

I'm definitely a little hesitant about The Row, The Snatch Complex, and The DU. The row I can do and with adrenaline will just figure out, but the rower just kills me (see George 1's previous blog post about me and the Krazy Lady that comes out during rowing). The Snatch Complex only because I am at a huge disadvantage with the max weight I can hold over my head for Over Head Squats. The Snatch's I have strongly improved, but  the OHS are tough for me. But George 1 gave  some good advice to just snatch and go immediately into the OHS and not thing, PLUS to KNOW myself. I basically know where I am with my OHS weight so focus on that to complete as quickly with good form since we don't have a lot of time. My last DU attempt in competition was PISS POOR to say the LEAST! However it's less than 3 minutes (because of the shared time) and all I have to do is DU. I know from last time when I got nervous I went way too high with my jumps; way to high and wide with my arms, and let my bladder have a mind of it's own. I thikn this time I will stay in control a little more! George 1 also gave me some good helpful hints for the first WOD (which we just did something similar in the Winter Warmer competition so I feel more comfortable). His recommendation was to explode off the floor and once the bar goes past my knees to basically "free fall" and get underneath of it (I was standing all the way up and exerting WAY too much energy, effort, and taking up too much time). I practiced a few times making sure my feet got off the ground and it really helped!

Looking forward to it!

- George 1

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Where to even start! It's almost been two weeks since our "Winter Warmer" competition and you probably thought we got killed during it or something since we went cold-turkey on the blog. JK we know you don't care that much!

The Winter Warmer went well! It was definitely an interesting mix of people together. George 1 and I achieved the majority of our personal goals and so one has to be happy with that. My biggest disappointment of the day was botching my double-unders and not being able to re-focus and recover mentally and physically, but it happens!

George 1 ended up 52nd out of 125 men and George 2 ended up 43 out of 80 women! And boy were we sore Sunday and Monday! One real eye opener is how STRONG some of these competitors are and if we are going to compete on occasion and want to do well, then we will need to build our strength. Which leads us into our next 4-week strength program on  top of our daily WOD's. Each day we focus on a strength set right now they are: Push Press; Dead Lift; Bench Press; Back Squat. We just finished up week 2 and have our next competition NEXT Saturday, February 2nd.

This competition SHOULD be fun. It is a couple's competition which means that we get to compete together (who knows what that means, details to be released next week).

This week I have been in Panama for work and so I have been going to our old box: CrossFit PTY. I love the trainers and owners there, que amable! Some of the other crossfitters are nice and I recognize some of them from going on my sporadic business trips. Mostly they all just look at me like I have 10 heads!

In saying that.....it was such a great feeling this morning..... before our WOD they had us do our "max rep pull ups" and it basically was to bench mark for ourselves to know our 'knew' point. So each person did the type of pull up they are capable with (i.e. a reverse push up off the ground to a lower bar; the pull up bar with band assistance; kipping; etc.). People were doing it in partners and it was my turn; 1/2 the people had finished and were coming in to the main room and the other 1/4 of the boys were waiting to start. I wanted to do strict to see how many I could do. I seriously thought 5 MAX, so by the end of my attempt everyone was in the room cheering me on to pull up on my final one and then some guy came and fist pumped me! So maybe they still think I am crazy, but they accepted me, haha! Always looking for acceptance, ha!

So my new PR for max strict pull ups is 9!

I have also been doing the heavier (well Rx but heavier for me) KB weight more often and I am starting to feel a lot more comfortable with it, which is a good feeling!

It has also been such a good feeling to sweat sweat sweat! I mean we do at home, but it's freezing! Here it is warm and not humid like the rainy season, but warm and it just feels so good to be in light clothing and just sweat out the wine from the night before!

But back home tomorrow and can't wait to see George 1 and Little George!

Friday, January 11, 2013

We will do our best to take pictures and videos!
1 More Sleep!

Pardon my French, but.... Holy Freaking Moly!!!!! My nerves have just moved from butterflies in my stomach closer to full blown anxiety and Gonna Poop My Pants! Haha people ask me all the time how was I a D-I athlete for 4 years. Well the answer is simple my friends I was a MESS! In season I basically majored in Lacrosse because I spent so much time panicking! I had GI problems and pre-game stomach problems out the wazoo! I had a wonderful morning with a Mommy-Playdate and now it's time to focus on work and conference calls and I find myself looking up "what to eat the night before a CrossFit competition". The problem with that- umm hello concentrate on your work; you already looked all this up; you eat fine; you KNOW what to eat; you KNOW not to change anything up...go with what you know! I have now resorted to my post-it list making. What do I need to pack for tomorrow, what will we bring, what will we bring for Little George, what do I need to go to the store and get. Hahaha, NOT the National Championship here Darlin', SIMMER DOWN! 

I just really want to do well. I want to meet the personal goals for myself of course, but the competitive edge in me just doesn't want to be embarrassed. I WANT TO GET IN THE TOP TOP TOP, but i need to be more realistic so I leave the day happy and satisfied with myself. I want to be able to lift the heavy weights. I mean no miracle will happen tomorrow, I know my max weights, so I just need to stay focused! I want to be able to lift the single arm KB-snatch's with "ease", I know I will be tired and my blood and adrenaline will be PUMPIN, BUT I just don't want to clinch every time I pick up that KB, because the weight IS heavier for me. If I get to the 3rd WOD I really want to do my Toes Through Ring unbreakable (George 1 would just say concentrate on  the first 2 WODs and do your best, because you can't get to WOD 3 without doing that)!

- George 2

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

3 More Sleeps

We are getting closer!!! 

We have an update the competition is set with 80 women and 125 men! 

Today was an off day and I shall treat it as such! I think my little muscles needed that mentally and physically! Unfortunately I didn't get to sleep in as long as I wanted, because Little George was screaming for me and I'm just not too good at ignoring that when it's 20 feet away (even with 2 closed doors).

I will confess since George 1 had a shadowing opportunity and left at 6:15am I didn't make our usual 20-egg white pile up.  I LOVE to cook for other people, but when it comes to just me I could settle for a breakfast of coffee and peanut butter and a dinner of cheese and wine. Little George had his "cheat meal" (KIDDING) of oatmeal today and was super pumped. AND he and I sat at the kitchen counter for an hour while he watched Mickey Mouse club on my computer and I read the WSJ and watched this kick-a** video about CF Rubicon: It's a little long, but so worth it, watch it (hint hint it's about marine/war veterans getting into CF and succeeding! Makes you think anything is possible with a little determination! Very humbling)

I also cannot believe that I have gone 3 days without having a sip of wine for a reason other than being sick or with child, ha! Go ME!

I have been making our protein shakes at night a little after dinner sort of as dessert and since we are still a little hungry, then this carries me over well into our early morning WOD:
Peanut Butter
Van. Frozen Yogurt
1 banana 
Scoop Protein Powder

I think tomorrow is an active rest and if it's suppose to be as nice as they say, maybe a little run is in our future (i.e. not waking up at 5am and getting on the rower). George 1 LOVES the rower and he is soooo good at it. I don't  know what it is about me and that rower, but man, it's worse than the treadmill... GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

I am a planner and a panicker, so I have already started thinking about what to wear, eat, and pack all for Saturday. Luckily I am all Lu-Lu'd out so I'll have plenty to wear, but then again I don't want to be that Chochsky who shows up in everything LuLu, so it must be VERY strategic! Sometimes I wish I was a "guy" so I could just roll out of the shower, shake my hair dry, and get on with my day! 

I think we also may signing up for another "team throwdown" on Feb 2nd in honor of our son's 2nd birthday. It's 1 male and 1 female on a team, maybe we could get t-shirts, haha, NO!

- George 2

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

4 More Sleeps

4 more sleeps until our 2nd competition! Very exciting and nerve racking at the same time. Nerve racking, you say... aren't you doing this for fun? Haha I think that all the time, but it's the truth, I always get all sorts of worked up! 

Today's WOD
5 rounds
10 toes through rings
10 hand release burpees 
(jump over the kb like we will in the competition)

Today's WOD was good practice for me on a few of the skills we will be tested on in the 2nd WOD and if we make it to the 3rd WOD. Short workout  but we tried to do each skill as fast as we could... talk about "Take My Breath Away", holy hannah I was definitely short of breath after each attempt! And for some reason the toes through rings keep getting more challenging for me?

I will say, and George 1 will probably kill me, but I am so sore! I thought the week before a competition you were suppose to feel  "your best"? I don't mean to throw out excuses, but I was just not expecting the tightness in my neck and back, the tiredness of my body, and my little "visitor" to intensify all of those muscular and intestinal aches. OK maybe you say T.M.I., but it's the truth. 

 I will say that I have been making a conscious effort to stretch more and longer with the bands, roller, etc. George 1 made this little device by taping two baseballs side by side. You lay on it starting in your lower back, do some short stretching exercises and work your way up to your neck bit-by-bit. W.O.W! Definitely doesn't feel good, but it is SO worth it when you are done!

Tomorrow is a rest day. Today is a drink your fluids kinda day!!!!

- George 2

Monday, January 7, 2013


So it's been one week since we found out the WOD's for the competition THIS Saturday. And yes I will have to admit my heart and stomach briefly dropped to the floor (until it was picked back up by some friends and adult beverages... it was New Year's Eve after all)!!!!!!

My first reaction (besides a profanity) was WOW- these are going to be T.O.U.G.H!


On the first WOD it will be a challenge for me as lifting heavier weights isn't really my strong point. I am a strong person, but usually thrive on the combo workouts not the heavier lifting. And especially lifting over-head. Not a big deal, I just need to set a goal for myself. I would like to be able to  complete the 125lb Cluster. If not, I've been practicing my pistols (yeah not as easy as some people make them look), ha!

2nd WOD
The KB weight is normally heavier than I do and we haven't really done a lot of single-arm snatches. However, we did practice with the heavier weights this week and researched a lot of different technique tips to help make the snatches as efficient as possible so we don't tire as easily. I have kept up my word and really practiced my jumping rope- singles and double-unders and I think it has helped, at least my confidence that I can now do 20 in a row.

3rd WOD
HOLY WEIGHT! My 1-rep max on the PCleans is 125 and the Rx weight for the competition is 115lb. So I know that I can do it, but they may not be pretty nor consecutive. The lunge walk with the racked 115lbs, well that may appear tough if I can get to it just with keeping the heavier weight balanced in a front rack as I lunge up and down. That will just need some focus.

I think we have done a good job preparing. I mean not too much you can do the week or two before the competition strength wise. It's about understanding the movements, keeping up your endurance, and taking care of yourself.

The first time going through WOD 1 and 3 was definitely extremely deflating for me. It just brought out a lot of my weaknesses and sent a fear through me... all I kept thinking was don't embarrass yourself! But then I realized that attitude really isn't going to help much, in fact it's really going to HURT you. And even though I am a super competitive person and like winning and expect a lot from myself, maybe it's better if I set personal, realistic goals for myself for this competition vs. trying to "win".

WOD 1:
Attempt 125lb cluster

WOD 2:
Complete 3 rounds

WOD 3:
Get through the 30 toes through ring and 15 Power Cleans

I think these goals are going to be a challenge, but if I let the adrenaline kick in and focus I think they can be attainable. AND if I do complete these or come close I should.. SHOULD being the "key word", walk away with a smile on my face.

- George 2

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Winter Warmer WODs


Cluster Ladder (Clean + Thruster = Cluster)
Women's bars rage from 45lbs - 225lbs 
Men's bars range from 85lbs - 285lbs.
10 min AMRAP: 
10 hand-release burpees (lateral jump over kettlebell)
9 single-arm kettlebell snatches (16kg/24kg)
20 double-unders
9 single-arm kettlebell snatches (16kg/24kg)
8 min AMRAP:  
30 toes-through-rings
15 power cleans (115lbs/165lbs)
Approx. 30 ft racked lunge walk (115lbs/165lbs)
15 power cleans (115lbs/165lbs)
Approx. 30 ft racked lunge walk (115lbs/165lbs)
5 rope climbs