We are getting closer!!!
We have an update the competition is set with 80 women and 125 men!
I will confess since George 1 had a shadowing opportunity and left at 6:15am I didn't make our usual 20-egg white pile up. I LOVE to cook for other people, but when it comes to just me I could settle for a breakfast of coffee and peanut butter and a dinner of cheese and wine. Little George had his "cheat meal" (KIDDING) of oatmeal today and was super pumped. AND he and I sat at the kitchen counter for an hour while he watched Mickey Mouse club on my computer and I read the WSJ and watched this kick-a** video about CF Rubicon: It's a little long, but so worth it, watch it (hint hint it's about marine/war veterans getting into CF and succeeding! Makes you think anything is possible with a little determination! Very humbling)
I also cannot believe that I have gone 3 days without having a sip of wine for a reason other than being sick or with child, ha! Go ME!
I have been making our protein shakes at night a little after dinner sort of as dessert and since we are still a little hungry, then this carries me over well into our early morning WOD:
Peanut Butter
Van. Frozen Yogurt
1 banana
Scoop Protein Powder
I think tomorrow is an active rest and if it's suppose to be as nice as they say, maybe a little run is in our future (i.e. not waking up at 5am and getting on the rower). George 1 LOVES the rower and he is soooo good at it. I don't know what it is about me and that rower, but man, it's worse than the treadmill... GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!
I am a planner and a panicker, so I have already started thinking about what to wear, eat, and pack all for Saturday. Luckily I am all Lu-Lu'd out so I'll have plenty to wear, but then again I don't want to be that Chochsky who shows up in everything LuLu, so it must be VERY strategic! Sometimes I wish I was a "guy" so I could just roll out of the shower, shake my hair dry, and get on with my day!
I think we also may signing up for another "team throwdown" on Feb 2nd in honor of our son's 2nd birthday. It's 1 male and 1 female on a team, maybe we could get t-shirts, haha, NO!
- George 2
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