Monday, January 7, 2013


So it's been one week since we found out the WOD's for the competition THIS Saturday. And yes I will have to admit my heart and stomach briefly dropped to the floor (until it was picked back up by some friends and adult beverages... it was New Year's Eve after all)!!!!!!

My first reaction (besides a profanity) was WOW- these are going to be T.O.U.G.H!


On the first WOD it will be a challenge for me as lifting heavier weights isn't really my strong point. I am a strong person, but usually thrive on the combo workouts not the heavier lifting. And especially lifting over-head. Not a big deal, I just need to set a goal for myself. I would like to be able to  complete the 125lb Cluster. If not, I've been practicing my pistols (yeah not as easy as some people make them look), ha!

2nd WOD
The KB weight is normally heavier than I do and we haven't really done a lot of single-arm snatches. However, we did practice with the heavier weights this week and researched a lot of different technique tips to help make the snatches as efficient as possible so we don't tire as easily. I have kept up my word and really practiced my jumping rope- singles and double-unders and I think it has helped, at least my confidence that I can now do 20 in a row.

3rd WOD
HOLY WEIGHT! My 1-rep max on the PCleans is 125 and the Rx weight for the competition is 115lb. So I know that I can do it, but they may not be pretty nor consecutive. The lunge walk with the racked 115lbs, well that may appear tough if I can get to it just with keeping the heavier weight balanced in a front rack as I lunge up and down. That will just need some focus.

I think we have done a good job preparing. I mean not too much you can do the week or two before the competition strength wise. It's about understanding the movements, keeping up your endurance, and taking care of yourself.

The first time going through WOD 1 and 3 was definitely extremely deflating for me. It just brought out a lot of my weaknesses and sent a fear through me... all I kept thinking was don't embarrass yourself! But then I realized that attitude really isn't going to help much, in fact it's really going to HURT you. And even though I am a super competitive person and like winning and expect a lot from myself, maybe it's better if I set personal, realistic goals for myself for this competition vs. trying to "win".

WOD 1:
Attempt 125lb cluster

WOD 2:
Complete 3 rounds

WOD 3:
Get through the 30 toes through ring and 15 Power Cleans

I think these goals are going to be a challenge, but if I let the adrenaline kick in and focus I think they can be attainable. AND if I do complete these or come close I should.. SHOULD being the "key word", walk away with a smile on my face.

- George 2

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