Monday, December 3, 2012

Just a Dream....

So last Thursday and Friday seem like a dream. Did they even happen? And if so, what did we do?

Last Thursday was one of our 2-a-Days last week.

3 rounds for time
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull ups

PM Training
The afternoon trainer came over and we each did our 30 minute sessions. We worked on our Power Cleans, Snatches and Overhead squats.

On my PC and Snatches we really focused on my EXPLODING up off the ground and getting UNDER, UNDER, UNDER the bar vs. my usual pull the bar up over my head. The reason I am struggling with moving forward with heavier weight, specifically ground to over heard (which could include a Power Clean to a Push Press or Jerk; or just a Snatch) is because I rely so much on my arm strength (or lack there of). We really need to focus on getting my legs stronger so I can explode off the floor! That is my goal for now

I felt good after our session, but then both George-1 and I were up and wide awake at 3:30am. We were fine, just couldn't sleep! I wonder if working out at night has that affect on you?

Well it was a good thing we were a little restless because we had to be up super early the next morning to get our WOD in! 

Friday WOD
3 rounds 
(was suppose to be 5 but we were on a time crunch)
20 ring rows
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats

To be honest, I can't really remember much about this WOD except that it took some time to complete, my arms started tiring on the end of the ring rows and definitely on the push ups (but I was determined not to go to my knees until I absolutely had to and that was so I could still get the depth all the way to the ground) and that 40 situps sounds easy outloud, but actually doing it is a BIT more challenging after 15, haha!

But once we were done it was the WEEKEND!
- George 2

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