Thursday, December 20, 2012

Shout, Shout, Shout It All Out!

A little Shout Out today...

We both hit PR's (personal records) today on our timed mile! 

We spent last night down at my parents (shh don't tell the robbers) and decided to try my mom's new box (aka CF gym) this morning. All 3 of us "sprung" out of bed at 5:20am after a champagne and wine filled night followed by a restless 5-hour sleep (if that)-and mosey'd on over to Center City CrossFit for the 6am class.  'TIS the season! When we got there we found out they were taking us to Washington Square Park for some sort of running and non-weight exercise- panic slowly setting in on my part! When we got there we found out it would be a "quick" timed mile. At first I was a little unnerved to find we would be outside in the COLD and I was very unprepared, but it was a blessing in disguise as I don't think my body could have handled hard core weights today- especially my traps!

3, 2, 1, GO and the heard takes OFF! And when I say took OFF, George 1 was GONE! I mean he disappeared. There were about 3 people behind him that you just KNEW were going to burn out by starting too fast and I just tried to find my pace.. a pace I could push myself at for the time needed and still be able to really dig in when needed in the final stretch. Wait, did I mention my husband is BATMAN (yes yes he has been told he looks a little like Christian Bale in the Dark Knight series only a little bigger) but I mean he disappeared, my main goal was to keep my butt going but to also not let sneaky sneaky come up behind me and lap me! I was also so proud of my mom (who's new CF identity is Emma Jane, he childhood name) she really stuck in and dug hard. I ran her final lap with her to keep her going as you could tell she had that mental block, but she kept digging in and finished great!

Here are ALL 3 of our new PR times:
George 1-   5:35
George 2-   6:47
E.J-           10:07

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